Grace Youth Ministry
Welcome to "G.Y.M." also known as "Grace Youth Ministry" where we develop our youth for their God ordained destiny. G.Y.M believes that God has given every young person a voice that needs to be heard and a heart that needs to be loved. We will prepare you to be soul winners for Christ by addressing your life experiences with a Biblical approach. Your opinions, input, discussions and experiences WILL BE HEARD!
who we are

The G.Y.M. Leaders, Ministers and Counselors are passionate about our youth and their spiritual growth. Our ministry is intentional in developing our young people's "spiritual muscles" that will build them into STRONG young disciples of Christ. This transformation will manifest in their daily lives by impacting their peers with the love of Christ (1 Tim. 4:8, "For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and life to come").
God has called this peculiar generation to impact the times by being unique and different without compromising the standard of holiness that He has established in Christ (1 Pet. 2:9). Therefore, it is our mission to provide that platform.
what we do
We will accomplish this goal by offering several vehicles for the youth to express their hearts for Christ. One vehicle is our monthly youth bible study that we affectionately call "Youth 4 Real." Youth 4 real (Y4R) meets every 4th Friday of the month between from 6:30pm-7:30pm. Another vehicle is hosting a youth S.P.R.E.A.D. class every Sunday at 10:00am, at this time the youth gather for fellowship and a relevant bible study that speaks to the challenges they incur on a daily basis.
join the ministry

We would like to invite all middle and high school youth between the ages of 11 and 17 to join the G.Y.M Ministry and this one won't cost you any membership fees. We also invite adults who have a passion for developing young soul-winners for Christ to be a part of our leadership team.
For more information about youth events or participating in the ministry, please contact Sister Ruby Mathis at 925-522-2017.
core team

Ruby Mathis
Ministry Leader

Nitesh Singh

Camille Walker
We look forward to hearing from you and may God bless you for your obedience and WELCOME TO G.Y.M!
YOU ARE IMPORTANT to the GBF family and we want to partner with you in shaping your role in the Kingdom of God. WE WANT TO SUPPORT YOU in your activities, both in and out of GBF.