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What happened to the church-

There was a time when the church was full of pride, praise, and power (Can I get a witness)! Now it's full of flakes, fluff, and fear. Reverence and regard for GOD in many houses of worship are a thing of the past. Regardless of your cultural background and ethnicity; the church was respected, revered, and it reigned as the pillar of the community.

Because of the church's positioning and obvious its leader, the pastor which had an impactful influence upon the community were a powerful tandem. But now there's been a shift whereas pastors are building without the support of strong male leadership. Pastor's aren't being equipped

and trained for service as once before, as many are now opting to plant churches under non denominational umbrellas; which give them endless authority, some with more than they can truly handle. Many pastor's are no longer reliant on God and his Spirit for direction, inspiration, and illumination.

Hence, the church has lost its power, because we've dis attached from the Source. How then can one get it back? Bring the ark of the covenant (presence of God) back! When Israel had lost the Ark, or better yet gave it away, their enemy's always were prosperous; but when God's chosen people realized they were the ones intended for prosperity, intended for promises, and intended for peace they will go to whoever was holding the Ark and bring it back home.

For when his presence (Ark) returns, the people will return. When his presence returns, the peace will return. When his presence returns, prosperity will return to God's people. For when you find where God is, and get 2-3 others to gather in his name, there he will be in the midst of them. (Matt 18:20)

So in conclusion we need to get God back in the midst. For whenever the enemy comes in as a flood, God will lift up a standard against him; for those covered by the Ark (Is 59:19), and right after he lifts the standard, his children will declare that his glory will rise upon thee and his light will shine (Is 60:1).

I'm not talking about what I've heard, but what I know happened, and can happen to the church.

Think about it

Kirkland Smith

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