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Act Like You Know!

Hebrews 11:6 (NIV) "And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

The feeling of faith is leading and ordering your steps even when you're in a new season (ask Daniel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego - Dan 2:16-19).

For when your circumstance seem to paralyze you, you'll never be able to get to your destination unless you 'get up' and move! You got to learn to ACT in spite of how you feel.

A- Acknowledge him in all your ways, and he'll direct your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

C- Confess that you have embraced fear in the past, and you will no longer make him your master. (2 Tim 1:7)

T- Trust that God is faithful and will do it. (2 Tim 2:13)

Make up your mind that you will act in spite of your feelings. When you act (not phony, but with faith), like you believe, God will show up and reward your faith.

There was a story of two adventurous hikers who went hiking with no clothes into the Bayou for many days with no food and no water (Reality TV). Within a few days they began to tire, their feet became raw; they were attacked by pest, were cold, irritable and lost. The man was ready to give up (goal was to endure the surroundings for 21 days and reach their destination), but the woman had to encourage him because she knew he was stronger, and she couldn't make it without him (I just said something and I hope you got it).

After 3 days, he finally got back up and acted like he was the skilled hiker that began the conquest; finally they reached dry land and their destination. He thought it was a mirage, but when he reached and touched dry ground for himself, he rejoiced, but when he looked over at the woman, she had already been celebrating because she already had seen it, CAN YOU SEE IT?

Then rejoice, because the key to faith isn't knowing it all, the outcome, the way, or the time; but the one thing the believer does know is the SOURCE- GOD! They know God will, not sure when, but they know he will. They know God will, not sure how, but they know he will. They know God will, not sure where, but they know he will.

See if God was small enough to be understood, he wouldn't be big enough for your problems! Change your ways (disposition, attitude, countenance, etc.), and act like you know God's about to show up!

Lift someone up with this devotional that's going through, and remind them that it's going to work for their good (Rom 8:28); so act like you know.

Pastor Kirkland A. Smith

Senior Pastor of Grace Bible Fellowship of Antioch

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